How to Pick and Decode a Schlage Padlock with Lishi SC4 and Make a New Key

Publié par Charles Peng le

YouTube recommended me a video by Fish Picks, who met a "situation" when he misplaced the key to his Sparrows cutaway lock, he then decided to try and make a working key without gutting the lock. An awesome tutorial for Lishi tools starters how to pick and decode a Schlage padlock with Lishi SC4 2-in-1 decoder and pick, and then get the replacement key blank cut with a Lishi key cutter.

A Lishi decoder is a tool that can be used to pick and decode a lock. It is a small, handheld device that has two main parts: a pick and a decoder. The pick is used to manipulate the pins inside the lock, while the decoder is used to read the depths of the pins.

To use a Lishi decoder to pick a lock, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the pick into the lock.
  2. Apply tension to the lock with the other hand.
  3. Use the pick to manipulate the pins inside the lock until they are all set.
  4. Once the pins are all set, the lock will open.

When the lock is opened. Keep it opened. To decode the lock, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the decoder into the lock.
  2. Apply tension to the lock with the other hand.
  3. The decoder will display the depths of the pins inside the lock.
  4. Write down the depths of the pins.
  5. Once you have the depths of the pins, you can use them to cut a new key for the lock.

Here are some additional tips for using a Lishi decoder:

  • Make sure that the pick is inserted into the lock correctly. If it is not inserted correctly, it will not be able to manipulate the pins.
  • Apply the correct amount of tension to the lock. If you apply too much tension, you could damage the lock. If you apply too little tension, the lock will not open.
  • Be patient. It may take some time to manipulate the pins inside the lock.
  • Practice makes perfect. The more you use a Lishi decoder, the better you will become at picking and decoding locks.


To cut a replacement key using a Lishi key cutter, you will need the following:

  • A Lishi key cutter
  • A blank key
  • A key code (the depths of the pins you wrote down)

Once you have all of the necessary materials, follow these steps:

  • Insert the blank key into the Lishi key cutter.
  • Align the guide with the key.
  • Turn the handle of the Lishi key cutter to cut the key.
  • Repeat steps 2-3 until the key is cut to the correct length.
  • Test the key in the lock to make sure it works.


Here are some additional tips for cutting a replacement key using a Lishi key cutter:

  • Make sure that the blank key is the correct type for the lock you are cutting a key for.
  • Make sure that the guide is aligned correctly with the key. If it is not aligned correctly, the key will not be cut to the correct length.
  • Be careful not to over-cut the key. If you over-cut the key, it will not work in the lock.
  • Practice makes perfect. The more you use a Lishi key cutter, the better you will become at cutting keys.


I hope this helps!

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